Monday, May 26, 2008

My favourite author Sidney Sheldon

It shocked me when I realize my favorite author Sidney Sheldon had passed away last year, 2007. I have not seen any new release of book from him this few years, therefore I decided to check it out on his website ( This is the very moment that I knew this great author was no longer with us.

I was first introduced to Sidney Sheldon by my cousin when I was in my school days. I couldn’t put down his book once I started. By now I have read all his novels. Reading his novel is just like watching a movie, I just can’t bear to stop to find out what will happen on the next scene. Book by book, I got addicted and couldn’t wait for his new release.

I introduced Sidney novels to my sister and friends, and just like me they got addicted and rush to bookstore to get more after reading one.

Tuesday, April 08, 2008

India Cuisine at Singapore Expo

The restaurant call Daawat Tandoori Restaurant which is located outside the exhibition hall serve traditional North India Cuisine. They serve my favourite traditional Naan which is quite rare here. I like the yogurt sauce which is fresh and not too sweet. I had try similar dish at Little India but was not as good as this.
Price: Reasonable
Portion: Big
Service: Very Very Good
Ambient: Relax

Monday, April 07, 2008

Jack Russell & The Man

I was full of excitment when i was shooting this man and his Jack Russell. This was my first time to see such a rare scene on live. Hubby and i are along Bukit Timah Road when this Ang Mo riding his motocycle with his little cutie dog resting in front of him above the fuel box pass us. I quickly pick up my casio digital camera and start snapping.

Super Mario

This is my collection for my Super Mario. I got it at Anchor Points last Sunday with my husband. I didn't know that capsules gagets can be so expensive. I pay $2 for each capsule. At first i thought of getting only the Super Mario and managed to got it with 2nd strike. So my hubby has a thought "why not we try to get the full collection". I just quite surprise that he say that as i thought he would feel this is waste of money. So happily we try to strike the rest. It was not too bad. I got 2 extra Mario and 1 princess. We discussion we decided to place it in the car to join the other 2 Mario.