Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Tea sets - no 2 and 3

2nd set
This is my 2nd set of tea sets that I bought. It consists of a pot, sugar and creamer jar, 11 sets of cup and saucer. I bought it in the flea market last month at 2.50 euro. YES IT'S 2.50 euro. I can't believe it. I thought my french is so lousy that I get my friend to ask again. I didn't even check if they are broken or missing items. It's still worth it even they are not complete set. I think it is a good buy not only because it is cheap but also the shape and color. 

3rd set

This is the 3rd set I bought last weekend.   This is not a complete set as it have more saucers than the cups. It's ok I don't really mind. This set has bigger cup size than the previous 2 sets I had, and the flower print on the front and  back of the cups are different. 

I was not in the rush of buying when I saw her. Cos i do not having enough shelving at home, therefore i need to consider. The french granny ask for 5 euro, so I take my time to walk around before going back to her to see if it is still there and also ask for discount. Yes, it is there so she is going back home with me then. Final deal is 4 euro. 

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