Thursday, March 29, 2012

Chrizelyn Tamagoyaki Japanese Egg

Last month i receive a free Japanese cooking pan for Tamagoyaki from a lady who is going back to Singapore. So i thought i should go search for Tamagoyaki receipe and try this new toy. I guess the difficult part of cooking Tamagoyaki is not the recipe but the method of cooking, so i went YouTube and search for the method. I watched once and decided to give it a try. 

Cooking Method from YouTube (click to view the video)

The difficult part is not on the flipping of the egg mixture but is when to flip it. Below is the picture of my Tamagoyaki on my first attempt. 

Problem 1: When i cut and view the cross-section, i can see that the layers have lots of holes, this is the result when i flipped the egg but did not fold it pack enough.
Solution: I used a spoon to slightly pressed on the egg after i flipped each time.

Problem 2: I can see the egg yolk and egg white separately. 
Solution: Ii add some salt to the egg mixture to further break down the egg white and filter the mixture using a sieve.

Above is the result for my second attempt. Wow.

Ok so where is the recipe? I do not have any recipe for this Tamagoyaki. Why? cos when i found the recipe and out of 5 ingredients, i only have one that is the eggs. hahahaha. So i decided to use my own recipe instead. Below recipe is agar agar one. Is just like when you cook omelette egg, the soy sauce you also agar agar right.

Why i used concentrated milk? I remember the first time i learned to cook Bombay Toast, the ingredient used is concentrated milk. This is to give the sweet taste. From then, whenever i cook egg, i have the habit of adding a bit of concentrated milk to it. 
What is Bombay Toast? Hahaha i have a joke here. I was talking to my girlfriends when we have lunch at my place today. When i mentioned Bombay Toast they start laughing and say it should be French Toast. They have never hear this before. I never create it, as this is what it is being called in the recipe book. I when to goggle it just now and found out that Bombay Toast is used in Burma and is just another name for French toast. I think i should use French toast in future otherwise i will be the joker again.

Chrizelyn Tamagoyaki

5 eggs
1 tsp of soy sauce
1 tsp of sugar
1 tsp of concentrated milk
1 pinch of salt
1/2 tsp of chicken stock (you can skip this)


  1. Break the eggs into a big bowl. Use a spoon to lightly beat the egg. Add the salt to further break down the egg white. Set aside for 15mins.
  2. Add the rest of the ingredients into the egg mixture. Stir the mixture evenly.
  3. Heat the pan and grease with oil using a kitchen towel.
  4. Pour 1/3 of the egg mixture into the pan and do not let the egg overcook. Start to flip the egg to make the layers. 
  5. Once the 1/3 of the egg mixture has been layered, continue with another 1/3 and etc.
  6. To understand better on when to flip and how to flip, please view the video before cooking.

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