Saturday, March 31, 2012

Chinese Restaurant @ Bordeaux - MeiShiCheng

Today is Saturday and is time for grocery shopping at Bordeaux Auchan and Eurasia again. I was there with my hubby and 2 friends. One of my friend suggest that we can go for dinner at one of the Chinese Restaurant at Bordeaux after our shopping. The restaurant serve roast duck rice and noodle. All of us was like OKOK lets go there. This is the first time that we realise that there is roast duck here in our area. Usually when Singaporean who stay in this region have to travel to Paris in order to have a taste of roast duck.

We have the address but do not really know where is the actual location, therefore we have to depend on the GPS to bring us there. When we are about to approach the place then we realise it is exactly located at Bordeaux Central. We pass by the restaurant so many times when we go there for shopping but nobody notice this restaurant.

We are greeted by a Chinese lady when we go in. The place is quite empty except for us and another table. We don't have to consider much longer before we ordered the Duck Noodle. The price for the Duck Noodle is 9eur. Usually when we get to eat any Chinese dishes with noodle here, they used spaghetti, therefore we ask what noodle they are using for this Duck Noodle. The lady say is yellow noodle and not spaghetti. We just missed the yellow noodle back home.

When the Duck Noodle is served, we are all shocked. It looked different from the menu. We thought it is going to be Dry Duck Noodle but they served us with soup noodle. When we asked the lady, they do not serve dry noodle. OK let's taste it. The roast duck was ok but the soup is only soso.

Verdict: You can come if you really missed roast duck otherwise come only if you are really very very free or happen to pass by.

Restaurant: 美食城 Mei Shi Cheng
Address: 2 Rue Tustal 33000 Bordeaux
Opening Hour: 1130 - 2200

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