Thursday, March 29, 2012

Dune Du Pyla

At the foot of the Dune
We went to Dune Du Pyla last Sunday with some friends and colleagues. This is the highest dune is Europe. The place is quite near my house, i think it is about 10 to 15 mins. It is located at Arcachon.
We are supposed to go there last month but the weather wasn't so good. This time round, the bright sunny day welcome us at the dune.
We are allowed to bring our dog there so my friend and i bring our dogs along to have some fun.
On the way up

The dune was quite tall, and by
the time we reached, there are lots of people climbing up the dune. When we are at the foot of the dune, there isn't any nice scenery except the dune. So like the others, we take off our slippers and start climbing. The sand are so soft, its quite difficult to climb. It's like you move up 2 steps and the sand bring you down by 1 step. When i was half way up, i was so exhausted. I lifted up my head and view up the dune, i wondered how much longer then i can reached the top. At this point, we found a better and smarter way to climb. Step on others footsteps. As there are only footsteps left by those who climb passed, the sand has already been more stable and compact, therefore when we step on it, the sand will not be loosen.

At the top of the Dune. This is left side of the view.
 When we are suddenly up there, the scenery was so beautiful. The dune run parallel along with the sea coast. On the left side of the dune, i can see the big green forest and on the right side is the sea.
Dogs are allowed

Sea view at the top of the dune.
When we reached the top, we stop and enjoy the beautiful view of the surrounding. The view at the foot and the top of the dune has such a great difference.
My hubby trying to do a star stunt.
When we finished taking pictures, somebody come out with ideas to do stunts. As the dune is very steep, we saw lots of French trying to roll down the steep dune from the top. Then our friends start the idea of running in the air stunt. We will run and when we reached the edge of the dune we jumped. I will be the one squatting at the edge to help capture the shots when they are in the air.

All of us tried the stunts together and we really have great fun.

Rolling down from the top.
This is so steep and this is where we have the stunts.

All stunters

My hubby and me doing the stunt together.

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