Wednesday, March 07, 2012

Prawn Crackers in France - Asia Tibits

I start to miss all the tibits in Singapore. Here i think the french hardly eat tibits as the selection in the supermarket is so limited. And i think the reason why most french are so slim is due to the low consumption of junk food.

My friend passed me some crackers the other day, and i was so excited when i saw it as i did not know i can get it here. She told me i can buy the raw one from
EurAsie and fry it myself. So i went to EurAsie with my hubby to get it. There are a handful of different brands and the price is about 1 +/- Euro per packet. I didn't know which one to choose so i picked one from the shelves that is most sellable. How do i know which one is most sellable..hahaha based on the brand that has lesser packets on the shelves.

Its quite easy to cook this. When i opened the packet, the raw crackers is small and very hard. I heat up the oil and put one piece to see how much it will expand. It will actually expand to about 4 times from its original size. I was using a small pot, therefore it can hold about 3 piece at a time. Do not overcrowd the pot. If you allow enough space for the crackers to expand, it will form a flat piece otherwise it will curve up and you get all the uneven shape. One packet can yield about 1 big tin and more.

This tasty prawn crackers is just as nice as the one in Singapore.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:15 PM

    you can try microwave the dry cracker to buff as oil fry method. it will work, but, u will need to experiment the timing and the power of the oven. The work take more time as it also work better with 1 pcs at 1 time, but, it is more healthy and it will be better if you can't eat all fried within the before it turn soft.
