Monday, May 26, 2008

My favourite author Sidney Sheldon

It shocked me when I realize my favorite author Sidney Sheldon had passed away last year, 2007. I have not seen any new release of book from him this few years, therefore I decided to check it out on his website ( This is the very moment that I knew this great author was no longer with us.

I was first introduced to Sidney Sheldon by my cousin when I was in my school days. I couldn’t put down his book once I started. By now I have read all his novels. Reading his novel is just like watching a movie, I just can’t bear to stop to find out what will happen on the next scene. Book by book, I got addicted and couldn’t wait for his new release.

I introduced Sidney novels to my sister and friends, and just like me they got addicted and rush to bookstore to get more after reading one.