Wednesday, October 26, 2011

A walk in my neighborhood

This is the first week that we moved to our new house. After unpacking all the boxes, i decided to walk nearby my place to see the area. First dog friend i know is this little brown and black doggie of the name Lucky, his my neighbour's dog. He likes to jump onto the fencing wall outside his house and do a catwalk over to my house. He is extremely friendly and lovely.

When i walk further down the road, i saw this big white dog meeting his girlfriend at her house seperated by fence. They are so cute, they just stand there looking at each other for a long time. This is when i quickly took out my camera and snap a picture.

In France, i was surprised to see dogs everywhere, on the road, at the beach, in the resturants and shopping malls. I think the french love dogs. Having a dog here and able to bring them anywhere anytime is a luxury. Back home, I can only make my three doggies stay home to play with themselves as dogs are not allow anywhere except home and void decks.

After meeting the doggies, i saw a large field with few horses inside. I was so excited to see this, i mean just near my place, there are real live horses staying there. What a joyful day.

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