Thursday, December 29, 2011

Banana Cake

I always love banana cake. Maybe is due to my mummy who also like banana cake. I remember i only buy it when i go shopping with my mummy, then we will split half for each other to take back home.
That day i come across the recipe and would really like to try it out myself but do not have any confident, therefore instead of using the full ingredient i reduced everything to half.. Yeah i was lucky, the result was not too bad.

200g butten, soft
225g sugar
2 eggs
250g all purpose flour
1 tsp baking powder
1 tsp baking soda
2 big banana (mashed it)
60ml fresh milk / whole milk (i used fresh milk)
1/2 tsp banana essence (i never used this)

1.Cream butter and sugar until light and creamy with electric mixer.
2.Pour in egg, one at a time and beat until creamy.
3. Add in fresh milk, mashed banana and mix well.
4. Add in flour, baking powder and baking soda and beat until combined.
5. Pour into a greased and floured pan* and bake in preheated 180°C oven for 35 minutes. Cool in pan for 10 minutes before inverting it to cool completely on a wire rack. Store in air-tight container.

*I used silicon mold therefore i never greased and floured.