Wednesday, August 08, 2012

Cherry Agar Agar

Spring/Summer is the season for cherry. The cherries are so sweet and cheap during this time. We will go to the supermarket to stock up cheery weekly and enjoy it after each dinner. 

I had made agar agar a few times with two to three layers with coconut milk. I saw my friend posted her layers cheesecake and this inspired me to try out agar agar with cherry.

As this is the first time working with cherries, i find it tough. It's just like a battle. I have to make sure my agar agar is not harden before the cherry is in place. The difficult part is when the cherry keep floating on top of the agar agar and swim here and there. This is due to the air trap in the center of the cherry that make it float to the top. I use a toothpick to poke a few holes in the center of the cherry, hoping that the air can escape but failed. 

After trying a few different methods, i finally found the correct way. I use a chopstick and hold the cherry and push it into the agar agar and slowly turn it to about 45degree angle or more and let the tiny air escape and flow out of the cherry. Once the tiny air bubble is out, it will sink to the base.

Cherry Agar Agar
  • 14g agar agar strips
  • 240g sugar
  • 120g coconut milk
  • 1200ml water
  • pinch of salt
  • red coloring
  • 10 Cherries (Deseed and cut into halves)

  1. Break the stip of agar agar into smaller pieces and soak it in a container with water for 30 min.
  2. Drain away the water and squeeze out the excess water.
  3. Fill 1200ml of water and bring it to boil. Continue to boil and stir to make sure the strips are melted and no lump left.
  4. Add sugar to the mixture and taste the sweetness. (Reduce the sugar or add more, based on your preference)
  5. Turn off the heat once the sugar melt.
  6. Take out 360ml of the mixture and transfer to a bowl. 
  7. Add 120ml of coconut milk.
  8. Add pinch of salt.
  9. Add a few drop of red coloring. (Add one drop at a time to reach the color you desired)
  10. Mix well. Transfer the mixture to the mould and refrigerate for 3-5 min.
  11. While waiting for the coconut layer to become semi-firm, use the remaining agar agar in the pot to mix with a few drops of red coloring for the top layer.
  12. The coconut should be semi-firm.
  13. Add the remaining of the agar agar mixture on top of the coconut layer.
  14. Use a chopstick and place the cherry into the top agar agar mixture slowly. Tilt the cherry until you see the tiny air bubble escape. (It should sink to the top of the the coconut layer)
  15. Place all the cherry.
  16. Put the mould into the refrigerator for 10minutes and serve.
Remarks: If the agar agar in the pot begin to cool and harden, turn on the fire to heat again.

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