Friday, April 27, 2012


I tried this recipe many years back from Luckily i did post a comment on it, therefore  after so many years i am still able to trace back. The ingredients are easy but the success rate is not very high every time. It depend on the cup or bowl used and the timing.

I remember the first time when i cooked this, i was a total success because i used a small glass cup for espresso. Then i try using a bigger cup but forgotten to set the timer and it was overcooked like those Chinese steam eggs. Another time when i cooked, i forget to cover it and all the steam fall from the lid and my chawanmushi was flooded..

It has been a long time i cooked this so i decided to do it again with my little minipot with lid. My hubby say it was not bad, it is very soft. I happened to cook chicken soup the night before therefore i was able to use the real chicken stock.

The original recipes is from, and below is the recipe i modified


2 eggs
235ml chicken stock
1 dash cooking wine
3 drops light soy sauce
2 stick crabmeat
4 small piece of cooked chicken


  1. Beat the eggs lightly and add in the wine, soy sauce and chicken stock.
  2. Place the crabmeat and chicken into the minipot or cup.
  3. Pour the mixture into the minipot until filled
  4. Prepare the steamer. Place the minipot into the steam and reduce the heat to medium.
  5. Cover the steamer and steam for 12 mins.
  6. Serve.

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