Monday, January 09, 2012

Almond Cookies

I always like to have light afternoon break with my Nespresso Coffee, cakes and cookies. Thanks to my hubby, my homemade cookies run out quite fast. Sometimes when he reached home, i was still preparing dinner and he will go the search for something to munch.

100g unsalted butter
100g caster sugar
1 egg, beaten
4 drops of almond essence
150g self-raising flour, sifted
25g grounded almonds

  1. Preheat the oven to 180°C. Line your baking tray with non-stick baking paper. (I used non-stick baking tray.
  2. Cut the butter into smaller pieces. Beat the butter and sugar together until light and fluffy.*
  3. Beat in half the egg with almond essence.
  4. Add flour and almonds. Use hand to work into a soft dough.
  5. Rolll into a long dough and cut them into equal small pieces.
  6. Roll each small piece into a ball and place onto the baking tray. Flatten each slightly. Place them with space apart.**
  7. Beat the reserved egg with 2 tablespoon of cold water and brush over the cookies. Bake for 15 minutes until pale golden and crisp.***
*I bake this at night when the room temperature is at about 6°C. I know if i used my mixer to mix the butter and sugar, the butter will not melt, therefore i beat at hand first then i transfer to the mixer to mix further.
**You have to leave enough space. When you put into the oven, during baking, the cookies will expand its width.
***I put 3 pieces to test out how much it will expand, and i forgotten to brush with the egg but it turn out quite nice, therefore i skip this for the rest of my cookies.

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