Monday, January 09, 2012

Ham Roll Asparagus with Milk Onion Soup

I kind of missed my mum dishes that inspired me to cook this. Is not the Asparagus that i missed but the milky soup, so i decided to test it out. The result was not too bad. Initially i wanted to used Campbell's Creamy Soup as the base but my hubby don't like, that's the reason why i try to create the same look with different taste.
I like to delicate this new created dish to my mummy. I just missed her so much.

2 large piece of Ham
10 asparagus
1/2 onion, shredded
3 cloves minced garlic
2 tsp salt
200 ml milk
200 ml water
2 tsp chicken stock, powdered

Preparation for Asparagus
  1. Cook asparagus in salted boiling water for 2 minutes. Remove and soak in cold water till cool down then drain off the water. Cut into 3 sections.
  2. Cut the Ham to long slices and wrap the asparagus. Length of the ham should be about 1 1/2 round when wrap.
  3. Heat the oil in frying pan. Place the Ham Roll in single layer and cook till the ham is slightly brown. Turn over and cook the other side.
Preparation for Milk Onion Soup
  1. Use a small sauce pan or pot, add the water and bring it to boil.
  2. Add in chicken stock powder and onion, cook till the onion are soft.
  3. Add in milk to the soup and bring it to boil.
Optional: You can add corn starch solution to make the soup taste creamy like the Campbell soup.
Optional: I wanted to have equal length for the asparagus, therefore i have excess short leftover during the cutting, i add into the soup and boil with the onion.
Arrange the Ham Roll Asparagus onto the outer plate and pour the soup in the middle.

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