Monday, January 16, 2012

自製豬肉乾 BAK KUA

Here in France, i don't think i am able to find shop selling bak kua and it is a must must eat during Chinese New Year. I have bake twice so far. the first time i add honey but do not really like it so i try the second time without honey and i think is better.

One of the trick to eat nice bak kua is to put into the microwave for 30s before eating. Is 30s NOT more than that. The bak kua will be soft and nice.

Hope everyone love this homemade Bak Kua.

500g minced pork (with fats)
1 1/2 Tbsp fish sauce
1 Tbsp dark soy sauce
1 Tbsp light soy sauce
1 Tbsp cooking wine
1/2 cup sugar

  1. Put the meat and add in all the seasoning in a mixing bowl. Use chopsticks and stir until the meat becomes gluey.
  2. Place the meat on a parchment paper and use a roller or beer bottle to roll the meat to 2-3mm thick.
  3. Put the meat sheet onto the braking tray.
  4. Preheated oven at 120°C and bake for 20mins.
  5. Increased to180°C and bake for another 20mins. (Watch out as it will burned easily)
  6. Cooled and cut.

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