Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Homemade Kaya

I missed the Kaya from Singapore and toast bread, but the best Kaya Toast that i had ate before is not from Singapore but Penang. Last time whenever i was on business trip to Penang, the No. 1 must eat breakfast is half boiled egg with kaya toast at any coffeeshop. I don't know why their Kaya Toast just taste so nice.

I found quite a number of kaya recipe and decided to try out a more easy version. Usually when i try out a new recipe, i will reduce the ingredient by half.

6 eggs
250g sugar
3 pandan leaves
250ml coconut milk

  1. Gently beat the egg and sugar together until the sugar dissolves. Try not to beat too hard which will create foam.
  2. Wash the pandan leaves and dry it out with kitchen towel. Tie the pandan leaves with a knot.
  3. Use a double boiler, add eggs, pandan leaves and coconut milk and mix them.
  4. Stir the mixture until thick paste. (I stir for about an hour)

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